Passwordbox replacement
Passwordbox replacement

passwordbox replacement

ToolTipService.SetIsEnabled(MyPasswordBox, MyPasswordBox.Password = String.Empty)


Then in the code behind: private void MyPasswordBox_PasswordChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


To show a tooltip when the password box is empty, you could do this sort of thing with the xaml:

passwordbox replacement

MessageBox.Show("Please enter a password") If (MyPasswordBox.Password = String.Empty) Then, in the code behind: private void OkButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) Unless you are adding more functionality to MyPasswordBox, you could just use a PasswordBox directly, then add your validation to a button click handler or whatever event is most appropriate for your application. How can i add validation which will check if the password box is empty or not? Any existing animations are stopped and replaced with the new animation. For example, if you want asterisks displayed in the password box, specify for the PasswordChar property in the Properties window. Applies an animation to a specified dependency property on this element. The PasswordChar property specifies the character displayed in the text box. The tricky part is handling selection and deletion.

passwordbox replacement

You'll have to hook yourself into the keydown and TextChanged events on the textbox, and replace any entered characters on the fly with the password character. It involves a little bit of plumbing, though. Public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueProperty =ĭependencyProperty.Register("Value", typeof(string), typeof(MyPasswordBox), new PropertyMetadata("")) Set the PasswordChar property of the TextBox control to a specific character. It's possible to implement a PasswordBox on top of the built-in TextBox. MyPasswordBoxControl.PasswordChanged += delegate Public partial class MyPasswordBox : UserControl My code behind is as follows: using System.Windows If it is then i would need to display a message stating "Please enter a password" But I always hit System.NullReferenceException in. I found this code: How can i set the caret position to a specific index in passwordbox in WPF. I am having difficult adding validation which needs to check if the password is empty. I'm trying to move PasswordBox caret to the end of the text when user enters the input so that he can append new chars easily. I have a passwordbox implemented as a custom control as show below.

Passwordbox replacement